Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Jetting off to Philly in a couple days, so I'm pretty excited about it all.

What I'm not so happy about is that I've developed a small fear of flying. Specifically, flying alone. Which sounds a little bit ridiculous since I've been on long-haul planes since I was a kid, and I was flying alone by 15. I honestly blame the combination of 9/11 and Lost. I still refuse to watch the pilot episode that has the plane breaking up in mid air, because that's the last thing I want dwelling on my mind on the next trans-Pacific flight I'm on.

Since then, every time I get on a plane, I get this sudden rush of apprehension that something absolutely terrible is going to happen on this flight, and during bouts of turbulence I find my pulse going up slightly. It's never nearly as bad when flying with someone else because it takes the mind off such trains of thought. It also seems to be worse when I'm on a domestic flight for some reason.

Hopefully, writing about it might make me feel better for my next flight. I want to look forward to seeing my friend and eating Philly cuisine, not worry about whether there's going to be anything left of me to identify.

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