Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Helloooo from New York

After a 15 hour plane ride, a 3 hour delay due to air traffic among other things, and a $10 taxi ride that got jacked up to $24 that led to my mum calling the police, I'm back in the US.

On the East Coast, that is. At 4am.

And it seems that I have missed an exciting/terrifying event back on the West Coast. Glad to see everyone's okay though.

In other news, I failed my driving test back in Hong Kong. I had just done my 3-point turn and parallel parking, and was going down a steep narrow road when two trucks sort of loomed up in front of me.

Cue momentary panic, minute swerve and gentle bumping of the curb.

Yeah, that pretty much killed it for me.
I was really nervous though, especially when it turned out that my test was going to be 30 minutes earlier than stated just because everyone else had gone ahead of time.

So I'll most likely retake the test in LA. Not the best location, but I don't have much choice.

1 comment:

Jax said...

ya, LA is so much better than NY...
we have earthquakes