Speaking of Africa Dream Project, if you see any of their stuff around on campus, do support them. It's not a big group actually (Jon constantly repeats how surprised he is that they got so much done with so little organisation) but I've found it an opportunity to sort of "return" to Kenya. Yeah, I seriously miss that place.
I believe that we will be tabling during Homecoming, though the time and location haven't been decided yet.
And to keep up with the campaigning spirit, I've been roped into No on Prop 8 for a while already. During on-campus recruiting, I had an interesting conversation with someone who, believe it or not, actually spotted my No on Prop 8 sticker and walked up to me for a chat instead of me blocking his path and waving in front of his face to flag him down. (That seriously happens about once in a blue moon. Why blue? Don't know, don't care.)
Him - "Hi, what are you campaigning on?"
Me - "
Him - (totally paraphrasing, sorry, bad memory...) "Well, I'm not sure, I mean, isn't marriage a religious-based institution...
Me - "I wouldn't be here if it were exclusively so."
Seriously, do correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't marriage present in civilizations pre-Christianity as a form of property transaction and for political alliances as well as for love? I'm pretty sure that China has not had a monotheistic state religion for ages, and I come from a long line of atheists/agnostics. But anyway, what I'm trying to say is that the religious argument against gay marriage has always hit a sour note with me, even though I never realised exactly why until I had the above conversation.
Okay, the last paragraph was rambling. I need sleep.
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