Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a zoo out there

The antics of the "wildlife" at USC never cease to amuse me.

I saw the raccoons for the first time this semester, once out by Cromwell and the second time right outside my building. I was leaving for rugby and suddenly this huge fluffy thing lept down from the dumpsters and froze right above the drain. Cue the mini staring game between me and the raccoon. And while it froze in the futile hope that I would leave it alone, it was a perfect Kodak moment on a crappy mobile phone camera.

Squirrels. 'Nuff said.

I used "wildlife" earlier because the pigeons here would not survive very long in the wild. If they can't detect the clattering of my bike as I head towards them on the narrow path until I'm TWO INCHES from having pigeon paté on my wheels, they won't detect any predator.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Adopt an elephant!

Okay, not really. Though it would be cool.

I'm referring to this article: Population: the elephant in the room

This is the main reason why, at this current stage of life, I would choose adoption over having a kid of my own. Too many people, not enough families for kids already on this planet.

Also, the nine months of pregnancy kinda scares me, because I am a wimp.