Thursday, July 31, 2008


Is it wrong that I think that two of my old teachers getting married is one of the most adorable things ever?
Mind you, most of my friends and I spent our middle/high school years being taught by one or both of them, so I'm not the only one squeeing and leaving congratulatory messages on the groom's Facebook.

Oh, and I'm seeing Avenue Q tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Helloooo from New York

After a 15 hour plane ride, a 3 hour delay due to air traffic among other things, and a $10 taxi ride that got jacked up to $24 that led to my mum calling the police, I'm back in the US.

On the East Coast, that is. At 4am.

And it seems that I have missed an exciting/terrifying event back on the West Coast. Glad to see everyone's okay though.

In other news, I failed my driving test back in Hong Kong. I had just done my 3-point turn and parallel parking, and was going down a steep narrow road when two trucks sort of loomed up in front of me.

Cue momentary panic, minute swerve and gentle bumping of the curb.

Yeah, that pretty much killed it for me.
I was really nervous though, especially when it turned out that my test was going to be 30 minutes earlier than stated just because everyone else had gone ahead of time.

So I'll most likely retake the test in LA. Not the best location, but I don't have much choice.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The simple things

Give me now a splendid sun
With all His light full clear

Give me now a gentle autumn
Before the dying of the year

Give me a field of unbloodied grass
While I can still see far

Give me one night on a river
One unfailing star.

- Jack Murphy

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Now what?

I just realised I have 11 days left in Hong Kong. That flew by real fast, I can tell you. And I have no idea when I'm coming back.

What I have accomplished (list taken from previous post):
- Go to Japan
- Find a job More of an unpaid internship consisting of sitting around and doing menial tasks involving papers and leaflets.
- Get together with friends Semi-accomplished as there are still some friends I haven't seen yet and really want to
- Go shopping for cheap clothes --- Haven't really updated the wardrobe, actually.
- Learn how to drive --- Still in progress. Have not managed an entire lesson without stalling the damn car yet.
- See if I can still play the clarinet after a year of playing brass Sort of managed it, with very sore cheek muscles from playing 1812.
- Deliver that USC pennant to school (I can't imagine why they don't have one already) Also got to see that said school is kind of going downhill.
- Go to Colorado

I'm starting to think about changing the title of this blog. "Being Alive" sounds a little vague and overly optimistic compared to the often pessimistic posts I put up (one could argue the reverse, really). I have a feeling my next post is going to be a semi-rant about pre-marital sex and birth control (after seeing Heather's post), or something like that.