Sunday, August 8, 2010

A one man Babel

So, um, yeah. It's been a while hasn't it?

For those who don't know, I've spent the last few weeks in Zhuhai trying to improve my Mandarin. It definitely helped my speaking skills, but the whole thing was more of an interesting sociological and cultural study. It was like Real World-Survivor-Big Brother-Discovery Channel: Zhuhai.

On the subject of language, I seem to be incapable of holding on to a language once I stop using it regularly. As my Mandarin improved, my English became increasingly grammatically incorrect, and Cantonese kind of...stopped happening since I was mixing up the tones. And I did speak some French, but it was mainly limited to curses.

So who knows, maybe one day everyone will be talking like the characters in Firefly.

On that note, I should stop looking at pictures of shuai guys and go shuijiao, because I have to meet my friend at 11 tomorrow for wufan.

1 comment:

Jax said...

I love firefly!