Thursday, April 24, 2008

Money, money, money

I've been sending off applications to various places on campus in the hope that one of them will be magnanimous enough to hire me next semester for minimum wage and without work-study. That way I can have some cash to spend and something to pad the resume with. For the possible summer job in Hong Kong, I have to write a CV within the next couple of days. Yikes.

Speaking of next semester, I'm really excited to be living in an apartment next year, with someone I know and will actually interact with on a daily basis. (Plus, she's supplying the TV.) I'm also looking forward to having a kitchen and cooking my own food instead of avoiding EVK as much as possible and eating there only when there's no alternative. Mmm...I want to make eggs in a basket for breakfast.

Aaaand...yeah. With a few weeks left until the end of this semester, I'm ready for summer.

1 comment:

Jax said...

yay! kitchen... cooking so much food that's not evk, huzzah!