Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back to old Blighty and the Land of Leeks

Yes, here's the treat: 2 posts in 1 day after not posting for a couple of weeks.

I might as well say it right here: I'm still on the fence about coming back for the Rose Bowl. This is mainly due to whatever flight's available and what exactly is going on in the first couple of days.

But there's also another factor: I'm going back to England/Wales for Christmas for the first time in 15 years. That's a hell of a long time for anyone, even more so when you're 19.

I can't wait to have a white Christmas again. Though I'm sure after spending a few days in soggy slushy London I'm going to be hating the snow as I stumble along in probably poorly inadequate clothing.

I can't wait to see my newest cousin.

I miss my grandad a lot. Nuff said.

I don't know when I'm seeing my parents again.

We're roadtripping around the country so I get to see some of my friends studying/living in England. It's been a while since I got to hang out with the girls I call sisters from pre-birth.

So in all fairness, if I can't make it back for Pasadena, I'm not going to be that sorry.

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