Friday, December 19, 2008


I hopefully will post entries during these next couple of weeks wherever I can get Internet.

Right now I'm in London, and will be heading up to Birmingham in the afternoon to stay with friends. All I can say is that I am super happy that finals are OVER and I can get around to eating and enjoying Christmas. Also, the parents got here this morning so that's even better.

I can also stop worrying about band now that I won't be going back for the Rose Bowl. I will however send the obligatory game day text/call if I can, and if I can't catch it on TV (they don't seem to have ESPN much) I'll track it online or something.

It turns out finals and papers stressed me out so much I forgot to pay my last phone bill (and I'm usually pretty diligent even without auto-pay) . And today I made up for it by double-paying by mistake. =P

Time to go get pub grub.

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