Saturday, March 15, 2008

Another weather post

Found this from a couple years back when browsing my old Xanga. It pretty much sums up a good chunk of my high school days:

Reason # 23493826 why I hate Hong Kong weather

12:20 am: Last minute cramming for C3 test. Notice flashes of lightning through curtains.

12:35 am: Hear distant rumblings of thunder. Switch to S1.

12:45 am: Am getting slightly nervous. Turn off light and go to bed.

12:50 am: Rumbling getting louder. v. nervous, but still drowsing off.

1 am approx: Hear something akin to bomb falling on top of apartment. jump a foot in the air.

1:01 - 2 something am: Futile attempts to block out sound by plugging ears and hiding under blankets. Thunder now sounds like reconstruction of London Blitz. Flashbacks to Doctor Who. Thankful for once that I don't own a dog.

Time unknown: finally fall asleep.

7:00 am: Slowly wake up. Eyes refuse to open. Silent plea for at least a red rainstorm.

7:15 am: Hear maternal unit bustling about making breakfast. Much silent cursing occurs.

7:25 am: Haul tired butt out of bed and out to dining room. Look out window: rain-free, if cloudy, sky. Groan. More swearing.

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