Thursday, March 13, 2008


I went back to my old Xanga page to take a stroll down memory lane, so to speak. The last entry was on my 17th birthday, so it was interesting to see if anything changed in between then and my last birthday in Chicago:

Thursday, October 19, 2006


whoa, 17 now. aaaand actually i don't feel that much different except that i only have 1 more year now before i'm legal.

a big, BIG THANK YOU to those who wished me happy birthday and to those who gave me a card and/or present...despite the fact i'm an insane anti social cynical "British arrogant" coffee addict who rarely gives out presents or cards.

Thank you for putting up with me all these years.

Reading that, I'd like to say very little has changed, that I'm still very very grateful that my friends are my friends and enjoy putting up with this crazy caffeine-hyped kid.

Going back even further, we've got some decently written posts (if a lot shorter than the ones I'm writing now), funny lists and photos, random inside jokes that only certain friends and classmates would get, random imagery such as "paraplegic turtle", aaaaand.....

*looks at posts from 2005*
*rubs eyes*

ABKLJGLBHKTLKC the netspeak. Yeah, 3 years from now, it's just painful to look at. I'm not a grammar Nazi, but sometimes I wonder where the gene coding for reading netspeak went after reaching the late stages of puberty. I am not missing it at all, frankly.

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